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Janneke Schmidt
31 jul 201910 minuten om te lezen
Creating a Brand Management Strategy
In this long read you'll find my views and advice on how to establish an emotional connection between your brand and your customers.
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Janneke Schmidt
27 mei 20192 minuten om te lezen
Purpose Driven Marketing - 4/4 Deliver Brand Proof
We switch back to the mountain metaphor (the target), we have set the goal, determined a strategy and agreed on attributes and rituals....
62 weergaven0 opmerkingen

Janneke Schmidt
20 mei 20192 minuten om te lezen
Purpose Driven Marketing - 3/4 Design Brand Rituals
Rituals are part of our history, but the most important ritual is probably storytelling. The spirit of stories can still be felt in...
49 weergaven0 opmerkingen

Janneke Schmidt
13 mei 20193 minuten om te lezen
Purpose Driven Marketing - 2/4 Create a Brand Strategy
The second step is perhaps more difficult. The brand target has already been determined (the mountain top), but the road to it is...
20 weergaven0 opmerkingen

Janneke Schmidt
6 mei 20193 minuten om te lezen
Purpose Driven Marketing - 1/4 Determine Brand Target
The first step to an emotional connection with your customers and to achieve brand authenticity is determining a brand target. If you are...
34 weergaven0 opmerkingen

Janneke Schmidt
28 apr 20192 minuten om te lezen
Purpose Driven Marketing - An introduction
Are your acquisition results lacking? Are customers already leaving after the first contract term? Then you probably don't know your...
52 weergaven0 opmerkingen
Inspirational marketing
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